Sicilian food Cook and eat

Scuola di Cucina

Mettiamo il grembiule, impastiamo e mangiamo!

Scuola di Cucina

Swedish family, making arancini
Swedish family, making arancini
Hands at work, making arancini
Hands at work, making arancini
English group while preparing cous cous with vegetables
English group while preparing cous cous with vegetables
The nice Benno's family: Germans of course
The nice Benno's family: Germans of course
The making of Pasta fresca: stirring the dough
The making of Pasta fresca: stirring the dough
The making of Arancini: stuffing with ragù
The making of Arancini: stuffing with ragù
Delicious in Dutch, from Holland
Delicious in Dutch, from Holland
Silvana with her sous-chef: Ivana (sister in law) and Annamaria (sister)
Silvana with her sous-chef: Ivana (sister in law) and Annamaria (sister)
Koreans in Sicily: meal after the Cooking Class
Koreans in Sicily: meal after the Cooking Class
Cannoli and Cassata are ready!
Cannoli and Cassata are ready!
Let's taste the Pasta with Pistachio sauce
Let's taste the Pasta with Pistachio sauce
Dancing hands
Dancing hands
Silvana and Sicilian ceramics in her kitchen
Silvana and Sicilian ceramics in her kitchen
Buon appetito (enjoy your meal)
Buon appetito (enjoy your meal)
Hands making something!
Hands making something!
The group, the chefs, and the ingredients: we are ready to start!
The group, the chefs, and the ingredients: we are ready to start!
Kid at work with Silvana
Kid at work with Silvana
Before the beginning: Czechs in uniform
Before the beginning: Czechs in uniform
Sniffing the pasta
Sniffing the pasta
Silvana Recupero: the chef of Sicilians
Silvana Recupero: the chef of Sicilians
Cooking class is going to begin, food is concetrate before to start the match!
Cooking class is going to begin, food is concetrate before to start the match!
And, if you are good, I will nominate you as Mini-chef of Sicily, and confer you with a degree!
And, if you are good, I will nominate you as Mini-chef of Sicily, and confer you with a degree!
The making of pasta fresca: dough
The making of pasta fresca: dough
The making of pasta fresca: cutting the dough
The making of pasta fresca: cutting the dough
Pedro, Mamma's King, is tasting the food he has prepared with Silvana
Pedro, Mamma's King, is tasting the food he has prepared with Silvana
Pascal and Sebastien: Frenchs
Pascal and Sebastien: Frenchs
The making of pasta fresca: gnocchi
The making of pasta fresca: gnocchi
From Australia: father and son are tasting the pasta they made
From Australia: father and son are tasting the pasta they made
Culinary Institute of New yourk attending at Silvana's Cooking  School
Culinary Institute of New yourk attending at Silvana's Cooking School
Swedish listening Silvana
Swedish listening Silvana
This girl has prepared the gnucchitti
This girl has prepared the gnucchitti
The power of cooking: Silvana is encouraging her pupils
The power of cooking: Silvana is encouraging her pupils
The prestigious Bahlsen company attending a Silvana's Cooking Class
The prestigious Bahlsen company attending a Silvana's Cooking Class
The prstigious Bahlsen company at Silvana's Cooking Class
The prstigious Bahlsen company at Silvana's Cooking Class
Pedro is waiting for the pupils
Pedro is waiting for the pupils
Great: you now are a Sicilian mini-chef!
Great: you now are a Sicilian mini-chef!
Meal after the Cooking Class: these Americans have just finished to enjoy the Gnocchi with Pistachio that they themselves have made and cooked
Meal after the Cooking Class: these Americans have just finished to enjoy the Gnocchi with Pistachio that they themselves have made and cooked
Uaoooooooohhh! Now you are nominate as mini-chef of Sicily
Uaoooooooohhh! Now you are nominate as mini-chef of Sicily
The chef Silvana with Letizia and Ivana: two great (and nice) sous-chef
The chef Silvana with Letizia and Ivana: two great (and nice) sous-chef
Here's an apron, a rolling pin and some bowls.
Here's an apron, a rolling pin and some bowls.
Americans and Silvana
Americans and Silvana
Stirring the dough
Stirring the dough
Mozzarella and rice
Mozzarella and rice
A romantic meal after the class
A romantic meal after the class
The pasta is ready!
The pasta is ready!
Pasta alla Norma: one of the most requested dishes
Pasta alla Norma: one of the most requested dishes
Spanish family at the end of the cooking class
Spanish family at the end of the cooking class
The army is ready
The army is ready
Our chef Silvana with the Bahlsen owner after a lesson
Our chef Silvana with the Bahlsen owner after a lesson
The young pupils of the Culinary Institute of New York while preparing pasta fresca
The young pupils of the Culinary Institute of New York while preparing pasta fresca
CookingClass #3, Benno's family from Germany
CookingClass #8, Helene family from Sweden
CookingClass #4, Culinary Institute of New York
Cooking class #1
CookingClass #5, Pizza and pane
CookingClass #6, Cannolo and arancino
CookingClass #7
Review from American pupils
Review from Virve's family
Cooking Class Review by Christian & his German friends!

"Ciao ciao, sono Silvana Recupero, la vostra maestra di pietanze siciliane!

Allora, siete pronti per divertirvi un paio di ore a preparare il cibo più buono del mondo ?

Ecco il grembiule, il mattarello e le ciotole.

Sbucciamo i pomodori, impastiamo la farina, stendiamo la pasta.

Cannoli, arancini, pasta fresca, parmigiana ... ed un bicchierino di Malvasia di tanto in tanto, naturalmente!

Ed alla fine, seduti nella prestigiosa sala di MammaSicily, mangerete tutto quello che avete preparato!

Il vino, siciliano anche lui, lo offro io.

E, se siete stati bravi, vi nominerò minichef di Sicilia, con tanto di diploma consegnato!

Vi aspetto.

Ah, dimenticavo: non preoccupatevi, anche se noi chef siamo gelosissimi, avrete lo stesso le ricette di quello che avete preparato"

Silvana Recupero


Questo (come tutti i tour di MammaSicily) è un tour realizzato esclusivamente per una singola prenotazione e non prevede la partecipazione di altre persone. Insomma: se prenotate siete solo voi. Exclusive!

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