
Monte Kronio, o monte San Calogero (Natural Reserve)

Monte Kronio, o monte San Calogero (Natural Reserve)

Monte Kronio, o monte San Calogero (Natural Reserve)

Monte Kronio (o monte San Calogero)
Monte Kronio (o monte San Calogero)

In the territory of the town of Sciacca, city of spas, on Mount San Cologero or Mount Kronio, the reserve has a natural system of underground caves: Stufe di S. Calogero, Grotta di Lebbroso (Leper), Grotta di Mastro, Grotta Cucchiara and Grotta Gallo.
The caves were inhabited from the Middle Neolithic period to the Copper Age and they verify the second volcanic phenomenon that brought much sulpher vapor and raised the temperature (causing the inhabitants to flee!).
The mountain, of limestone-gypsum, is mostly covered with rocky vegetation, while at the top, near the Sanctuary, a pine forest appears.



On the top of the mountain we can admire sevferal birds of prey, among others the kestrel (photo, Falco tinnunculus) and the eagle (Hieraetus fasciatus).

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