



stentinello (2)
stentinello (2)


It is a village fortified in the Neolithic period (8000 BC) that gave its name to an eponymous culture, Stentinello.
Walking through the village you can see the holes that held the poles for the rectangular huts (photo). The village has a fortified trench, carved into the limestone and reinforced with stone on its inside.

The settlement appears today as a ditch dug in the rock in the shape of an oval about 200 x 180 meters.


The civilization itself is characterized by typical Stentinello caves dug into the rock, but also beautiful ceramics: polished with a paste decoration and etched by the use of punches or shells or with the use of the nail, which gave rise to a zig-zag or diamond design and the distintive stylized human eye, probably used to keep away evil spirits.





Typical are jars with the human face, statuettes and figures of animals.
Flint and obsidian tools were preferred here prior to the time when metal was known.

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